Privacy Policy

NELSON PAINT COMPANY respects and protects your right to privacy. NELSON PAINT COMPANY, and its web site administrators may collect and analyze general usage information about visitors coming to our web and ftp sites. This information is used to help us improve the quality of our web site as well as our services in general. NELSON PAINT COMPANY, and its web site administrators do not collect information about individual users, except that which is provided by the user voluntarily. About Cookies - Sometimes our web and ftp servers collect general information or recognize you as an authorized user through the use of cookie technology. A cookie is a small text file that a web site writes to your hard drive when you visit that site. Cookies are 'text only files' and cannot read information from your hard drive or read information from other cookies. Cookies are only used on our site to help us analyze general traffic patterns throughout our site, and as a convenience to you for access to areas restricted to authorized users, where you might otherwise have to provide a user name and password. If you turn off cookies in your web browser, you will still be able to access and browse our web site, with the exception of restricted pages that require a user name and password. When we ask for information through the use of an on-line form or through any other collection means such as phone, fax or mailings, we will keep your information private. We may collect this information in order to process and/or fulfill your requests and orders. We maintain the information you provide (other than credit card information) to evidence that you have purchased a product, service, or are a registered user. Product notices and some special offers are only available to registered or authorized users.

NELSON PAINT COMPANY, and its site administrators do not sell, or otherwise give away your private information to any third party. We do however, from time to time, utilize the services of sub-contractors to assist us in providing you with a variety of products or services, which might include, but are not limited to:

  • Special Notices
  • Informational brochures, pamphlets or newsletters
  • Notice of special offers

We require that all subcontractors agree to use the information as specified by NELSON PAINT COMPANY, and/or its web administrators. The subcontractor may not sell, give away, or otherwise use the information provided for any other purpose. Upon completion, the subcontractor must return or destroy, with irrefutable evidence and witness of such, any and all information provided. Credit Card, Debit Card & Checking Account Information - Credit card, debit card or checking information is collected only where necessary to collect payment for services or products as provided. We do not retain credit card, debit card or checking account information without your consent. Information so provided is held in the strictest of confidence on our secure servers. Full account numbers are not externally accessible via our web servers. We cannot guarantee nor will we be held liable for unauthorized access to this information and the consequences of this information being compromised. We will however; upon evidence of, and our becoming aware of unauthorized access to these records; make every effort to notify card or account holders as well as the institutions providing the card or account services. Though we do not retain this information without your knowledge and consent, you may at any time request us to purge such information from our records. This will not affect our providing service to you. Thank You