
COVID-19 Announcement

Nelson Paint Company is considered a Critical Infrastructure Business under several categories of the guidelines of sectors, sub-sectors, segments, or critical functions that should continue normal operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic that have been established by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) that the various states and provinces we operate in have used to make their determinations of critical businesses. We have also been declared a critical supplier by over 70 of our customers who are Critical Infrastructure Businesses at this time.

Since Nelson Paint Company is considered a Critical Infrastructure Business, Nelson has not been affected by any Non-Essential Business closures, Stay-At-Home, or Lockdown Executive Orders in any of our manufacturing locations.

We have had customers contact Nelson Paint Company concerned that we might be forced to close, and also have been contacted by customers worried that trucking companies might be forced to cease operations wondering if they need to stockpile product. Neither of these issues should be of concern to you, our customers. The critical need for our products should leave us safe from closure under any foreseeable scenario.

As one example of the critical nature of our product, Nelson Paint Company’s products are used for maintaining power utility rights-of-way. According to our Power Utility customers, if our product weren’t available, power utilities’ rights-of-way wouldn’t get maintained. If those rights-of-way were not maintained, power utilities would have to shut down power to large numbers of their customers indefinitely to avoid wildfires. Obviously, extended power outages will never be allowed to happen. Millions of dollars in business losses, property damage, and hundreds or thousands of deaths would occur as a result of extended power outages to large areas.

Likewise, trucking companies are what provide food to grocery stores, drugs to pharmacies, and lifesaving drugs, ventilators, and resupplies of medical supplies and personal protective equipment (PPE) to the hospitals facing the onslaught of COVID-19 patients. Without our trucks and the hard-working drivers delivering supplies, our society would plunge into the 1800’s within days. Whatever may happen as the tragedy of the COVID-19 Pandemic unfolds, trucking will NEVER be stopped.

We are keenly interested in obtaining as many letters as we can from our customers designating us as a critical supplier, and have been reaching out to all of our customers as quickly as time and our staffing allows. If you would be willing to provide us with a letter designating us as a critical supplier, we would be extremely grateful. If you would be willing to support us in documenting the critical need for us to remain open, please call (800) 236-9278 8-5 Central Time or email 

Thank you for your continued business and support. Together we will get through this terrible tragic time and in time, heal and carry on.

-The Nelson Paint Company Team

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